About The Foundation.

The Purpose and Objectives of the Foundation

The purpose of the foundation shall be to directly and/or indirectly support families affected by the loss of close relatives. This shall include the establishment of schools and football academies in Ethiopia, as well as the promotion of activities compatible with this purpose. The foundation shall primarily operate in Sweden and Ethiopia through activities such as:

  • Creating platforms for dialogue and support to facilitate the processing of grief and exchange of experiences.
  • Collecting football equipment to strengthen and support youth teams in Ethiopia.
  • Providing financial support to sports clubs for the development and operation of academy teams.
  • Promoting access to education and school supplies, building and improving schools and educational facilities, as well as providing education and healthcare programs and further training for teachers and school leaders in Ethiopia.

The board shall ensure, in managing the assets of the foundation, that its property is securely stored and that the assets yield the best possible return. The funds received after the call that the founder intends to publish on their website or through another communication method shall constitute an independent fortune that promotes the above-defined and lasting purposes of the foundation.

The foundation shall fulfill its purpose by using its collected funds and their returns to grant subsidies or otherwise support physical and legal persons through an application process or in another manner that promotes the purpose of the foundation. The foundation’s board/trustees shall decide on grants or support from the collected resources along with the returns.

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